Talent en ambitie: Leraar worden!
Geboortejaar: 1999
Ondersteuning: 2300 euro.
Voor: Volgen 2-jarige opleiding aan Mizati College of Education in Mangochi.
Periode: 2022-2023.
Status: Gestart in januari 2022.
Geboortejaar: 1999
Ondersteuning: 2300 euro.
Voor: Volgen 2-jarige opleiding aan Mizati College of Education in Mangochi.
Periode: 2022-2023.
Status: Gestart in januari 2022.
Legaat Taube-fonds
Uit de aanvraag (november 2021):
"I am the third born son of a single mother of 7 children 3 boys and 4 girls. As a single mother my mother struggled to raise us as our father died long time ago when I was in standard 3 really at a tender age. I struggled to survive as we 3 boys had to do piece jobs to bring food on our family table. This is the situation up to date and we really struggle most times piece jobs are not there.
This situation has led to hardships in our household, and family upkeep and educational support for me and all the children in our family has always been greatly affected. Lucky enough from the meager earnings me and my 2 brothers manages to get from the piece jobs such as digging pit latrines in Ndirande township has enabled to keep me and my brothers to school. Generally it has always been hard as most of the times school time is lost due to the time spent on the piece jobs just to make sure that there is food at the table for all the children and also to have a surplus for school needs but this didn’t keeep out my focus on education, I would love to assist my fellow community members with social services as well as education when I become a teacher. I love children to get quality education to be precise.Due to my love of education I came to realise that my passion as a career is to become a teacher and assist my fellow Ndirande youth in getting cleaner and smart education hence the application to Talent Foundation. With a high population in my community and only a handful of Education personnel most children suffer from getting denied quality education. "
"I am the third born son of a single mother of 7 children 3 boys and 4 girls. As a single mother my mother struggled to raise us as our father died long time ago when I was in standard 3 really at a tender age. I struggled to survive as we 3 boys had to do piece jobs to bring food on our family table. This is the situation up to date and we really struggle most times piece jobs are not there.
This situation has led to hardships in our household, and family upkeep and educational support for me and all the children in our family has always been greatly affected. Lucky enough from the meager earnings me and my 2 brothers manages to get from the piece jobs such as digging pit latrines in Ndirande township has enabled to keep me and my brothers to school. Generally it has always been hard as most of the times school time is lost due to the time spent on the piece jobs just to make sure that there is food at the table for all the children and also to have a surplus for school needs but this didn’t keeep out my focus on education, I would love to assist my fellow community members with social services as well as education when I become a teacher. I love children to get quality education to be precise.Due to my love of education I came to realise that my passion as a career is to become a teacher and assist my fellow Ndirande youth in getting cleaner and smart education hence the application to Talent Foundation. With a high population in my community and only a handful of Education personnel most children suffer from getting denied quality education. "
"My ambition is to become a professional teacher and assist my fellow youth in attaining quality education. My main special talent/skills is that I believe I am a natural born teacher. Despite I am not yet trained professionally I can gather a few students 5 or so and give them some sort of coaching after they have knocked off from normal school time and this time they are on holiday I do coaching sessions even in morning hours depending on availability of time. That's what I manage to do so that's a proof of my capabilities and also how I scored 22 points on Malawi School of Education (MSCE) which is final exams in secondary school.The way I scored its good enough for one to attain higher education and realize his or her dreams.
My main requirements is to fulfil my ambitions of becoming a primary school teacher and assist in the development of my country by imparting knowledge in the youth of my community by teaching and coaching them.To achieve this I realized that I require financial support as I cant manage to pay college fees as well as other needs at school (college).So in general financial support is the main wish from TF. "
"My ambition is to become a professional teacher and assist my fellow youth in attaining quality education. My main special talent/skills is that I believe I am a natural born teacher. Despite I am not yet trained professionally I can gather a few students 5 or so and give them some sort of coaching after they have knocked off from normal school time and this time they are on holiday I do coaching sessions even in morning hours depending on availability of time. That's what I manage to do so that's a proof of my capabilities and also how I scored 22 points on Malawi School of Education (MSCE) which is final exams in secondary school.The way I scored its good enough for one to attain higher education and realize his or her dreams.
My main requirements is to fulfil my ambitions of becoming a primary school teacher and assist in the development of my country by imparting knowledge in the youth of my community by teaching and coaching them.To achieve this I realized that I require financial support as I cant manage to pay college fees as well as other needs at school (college).So in general financial support is the main wish from TF. "
Mei 2022
The lad is doing well and as he is about to finish his study this year. We are hopeful that we will have a good teacher in him so we wait to the end and the final evaluation after his final exams and graduation. He deserves even much better even owning his own school after graduation but since there is a need for him to practice his teaching skills first we wait but its our plea that TF opens to him any future endeavor action plan and proposals. Lonjezo writes:
"My name is Lonjezo Kaniche; Iam a young man aged 22 who come from Ndirande Township in Blantyre, Malawi. My study is going on very well and we are progressing well and look forward to the end. Iam looking forward to when am a full teacher so that I can assist in education development in my community as part of fulfilling the philosophy of TF. As we are proceeding with our studies there are growing fears that this year the ministry of education will not recruit teachers but next year which is a big problem for us as we might meet this year’s intake on the job market so as such most of us it will be difficult to go for practice. Despite this challenge this year we have been given a chance of teaching practice as at the moment Iam at Liwonde primary school doing my teaching practice there for 3 months. This will help me a lot to improve my interacting skills with learners so when I return home and as I shall be waiting for a post I shall be able to teach my home class with the right skills I shall attain here. Lastly I wish to apologies to TF on my absence to the meeting which was done in Blantyre for all of us Talents. It was so because of the posting to Liwonde for the practice and also logistically I didn’t have the financial muscle to make it to Blantyre and back again as am only allocated a two way transport fund. But still more things are moving. "
The lad is doing well and as he is about to finish his study this year. We are hopeful that we will have a good teacher in him so we wait to the end and the final evaluation after his final exams and graduation. He deserves even much better even owning his own school after graduation but since there is a need for him to practice his teaching skills first we wait but its our plea that TF opens to him any future endeavor action plan and proposals. Lonjezo writes:
"My name is Lonjezo Kaniche; Iam a young man aged 22 who come from Ndirande Township in Blantyre, Malawi. My study is going on very well and we are progressing well and look forward to the end. Iam looking forward to when am a full teacher so that I can assist in education development in my community as part of fulfilling the philosophy of TF. As we are proceeding with our studies there are growing fears that this year the ministry of education will not recruit teachers but next year which is a big problem for us as we might meet this year’s intake on the job market so as such most of us it will be difficult to go for practice. Despite this challenge this year we have been given a chance of teaching practice as at the moment Iam at Liwonde primary school doing my teaching practice there for 3 months. This will help me a lot to improve my interacting skills with learners so when I return home and as I shall be waiting for a post I shall be able to teach my home class with the right skills I shall attain here. Lastly I wish to apologies to TF on my absence to the meeting which was done in Blantyre for all of us Talents. It was so because of the posting to Liwonde for the practice and also logistically I didn’t have the financial muscle to make it to Blantyre and back again as am only allocated a two way transport fund. But still more things are moving. "
November 2022
Lonjezo is almost finished though at the time of this evaluation they are still in school but surely he is equipped to deliver. So far so good and we look forward to how he perfoms when posted to teach professionally. As normally everyone has a dream to be independent one time so it is our plea for consideration when he might come up with a proposal one time in future on owning his own establishment. Lonjezo writes:
"I am almost going to an end of my study and soon I will be going to full-time employment as well as to help my community. Life in school has been okay and it’s my wish that when I go to the industry it should be the same. My study journey has been going on very well and I look forward to the end. Recently I was on a teaching practice program in Liwonde but now back to school to finalise everything before we go for teaching jobs, but the major challenge we have in our country is that the government seems not to consider hiring new teachers instead they say as a relief they hire teachers on auxiliary level on a contract of 1 year renewable. Many quarters have faulted this system as it is everyone`s wish to have a permanent job but still despite that there are also private schools who hires when you are fortunate. At the end of the study on my level am going to be conferred IPTE3 teaching certificate as a professional teacher. Exams which are made public are due December 23-25 but for the rest of the time we have been studying it was all about students assessment exercises which results are added up to be included to the final results.
Honestly this chance of being with TF has been a very big thing in my life and I really give thanks for everything and I hope in case there is anything which needs your attention iam free to come back. When I go back home I will continue organising lessons for the students I already started tutoring so that I can also help them in preparing to be useful citizens in future. "
Lonjezo is almost finished though at the time of this evaluation they are still in school but surely he is equipped to deliver. So far so good and we look forward to how he perfoms when posted to teach professionally. As normally everyone has a dream to be independent one time so it is our plea for consideration when he might come up with a proposal one time in future on owning his own establishment. Lonjezo writes:
"I am almost going to an end of my study and soon I will be going to full-time employment as well as to help my community. Life in school has been okay and it’s my wish that when I go to the industry it should be the same. My study journey has been going on very well and I look forward to the end. Recently I was on a teaching practice program in Liwonde but now back to school to finalise everything before we go for teaching jobs, but the major challenge we have in our country is that the government seems not to consider hiring new teachers instead they say as a relief they hire teachers on auxiliary level on a contract of 1 year renewable. Many quarters have faulted this system as it is everyone`s wish to have a permanent job but still despite that there are also private schools who hires when you are fortunate. At the end of the study on my level am going to be conferred IPTE3 teaching certificate as a professional teacher. Exams which are made public are due December 23-25 but for the rest of the time we have been studying it was all about students assessment exercises which results are added up to be included to the final results.
Honestly this chance of being with TF has been a very big thing in my life and I really give thanks for everything and I hope in case there is anything which needs your attention iam free to come back. When I go back home I will continue organising lessons for the students I already started tutoring so that I can also help them in preparing to be useful citizens in future. "
Maart 2024
Lonjezo is teaching at Our Vision Private school in our neighbouring township of Machinjiri, He is in a private school because so far the government has suspended employing new recruits as it is employing the previous cohorts of the past 2 years, so to gain experience he just had to be with a private institution as he proceeds to realize his dreams as well.
Lonjezo is teaching at Our Vision Private school in our neighbouring township of Machinjiri, He is in a private school because so far the government has suspended employing new recruits as it is employing the previous cohorts of the past 2 years, so to gain experience he just had to be with a private institution as he proceeds to realize his dreams as well.