Talent en ambitie: Medisch verzorger worden!
Geboortejaar: 2002
Ondersteuning: 3110 euro.
Voor: Volgen 3-jarige opleiding aan Malawi School for Health Sciences Blantyre Campus.
Periode: 2021-2023.
Status: Verloopt volgens plan.
Geboortejaar: 2002
Ondersteuning: 3110 euro.
Voor: Volgen 3-jarige opleiding aan Malawi School for Health Sciences Blantyre Campus.
Periode: 2021-2023.
Status: Verloopt volgens plan.

Uit de aanvraag (Augustus 2020):
I come from a family of 7 children, I happen to be the 5th in our family, we have a single parent who happens to be my mother as our father passed away 2 years ago. As a family really our situation is so hard so that my mother as sole bread earner has a hard time to manage us all and let alone to put some of us on tertiary or higher education after getting through secondary school. On last final secondary education I made through with 18 points and I did well in science subjects. My head teacher at my previous school Chichiri secondary school always have advised me to follow a career path of becoming a surgeon or medical doctor according to how I scored science subjects to help my fellow Ndirande residents. From that time I became interested in this service delivery approach. Slowly I started to train and participate activities with a local Red Cross group from our community and have been in the groups of first aid at several activities such as football matches, political rallies, church gatherings and weddings. Am also on part-time job with a private owned community clinic Ndirande Medical Centre and the idea behind is to practice my destination because am hoping a service delivery to community in terms of saving lives. My whole life I have been looking for possibilities of how I can be useful to my community and I know now that time is at hand for me to acquire medical skills through higher learning as I already applied for a place at Malawi School for Health Sciences Blantyre Campus but due to the Covid 19 crisis all schools are closed and obviously the enrolment have delayed a bit but hopefully most schools will be opened by January next year 2021. Am hopeful my enrolment will go through so that I can achieve my goal serving my community.
I come from a family of 7 children, I happen to be the 5th in our family, we have a single parent who happens to be my mother as our father passed away 2 years ago. As a family really our situation is so hard so that my mother as sole bread earner has a hard time to manage us all and let alone to put some of us on tertiary or higher education after getting through secondary school. On last final secondary education I made through with 18 points and I did well in science subjects. My head teacher at my previous school Chichiri secondary school always have advised me to follow a career path of becoming a surgeon or medical doctor according to how I scored science subjects to help my fellow Ndirande residents. From that time I became interested in this service delivery approach. Slowly I started to train and participate activities with a local Red Cross group from our community and have been in the groups of first aid at several activities such as football matches, political rallies, church gatherings and weddings. Am also on part-time job with a private owned community clinic Ndirande Medical Centre and the idea behind is to practice my destination because am hoping a service delivery to community in terms of saving lives. My whole life I have been looking for possibilities of how I can be useful to my community and I know now that time is at hand for me to acquire medical skills through higher learning as I already applied for a place at Malawi School for Health Sciences Blantyre Campus but due to the Covid 19 crisis all schools are closed and obviously the enrolment have delayed a bit but hopefully most schools will be opened by January next year 2021. Am hopeful my enrolment will go through so that I can achieve my goal serving my community.
"As earlier stated I am more into health service delivery. I have hampered this ambition from way back in secondary school and so far as stated I am engaged on small scale engagements in first aid provision and serving at a local community clinic. But the main goal is to get professional training so that in return upon completion I will be able to serve my community via outreach services. I intent to open up my own service delivery center imposing a moderate fee to patients so that I can manage to acquire drugs and pay utility bills just as Ndirande Medical Centre is doing.
At the moment I have good grades in science subjects such as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology these I find my pillars as a starting point. Secondly as earlier explained after being motivated by my mentor the head teacher of my school I got geared to start my journey on health service delivery hence joining the local Ndirande community wing of Malawi Red Cross. That one too has been another phase which practically is pushing my strength towards the path I have taken. The part time skills attainment job/local internship I am doing at Ndirande Medical Centre though not on a professional level is another mile stone towards the realization of my ambition."
"As earlier stated I am more into health service delivery. I have hampered this ambition from way back in secondary school and so far as stated I am engaged on small scale engagements in first aid provision and serving at a local community clinic. But the main goal is to get professional training so that in return upon completion I will be able to serve my community via outreach services. I intent to open up my own service delivery center imposing a moderate fee to patients so that I can manage to acquire drugs and pay utility bills just as Ndirande Medical Centre is doing.
At the moment I have good grades in science subjects such as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology these I find my pillars as a starting point. Secondly as earlier explained after being motivated by my mentor the head teacher of my school I got geared to start my journey on health service delivery hence joining the local Ndirande community wing of Malawi Red Cross. That one too has been another phase which practically is pushing my strength towards the path I have taken. The part time skills attainment job/local internship I am doing at Ndirande Medical Centre though not on a professional level is another mile stone towards the realization of my ambition."
Mei 2022:
"As the study continues despite that we are moving on with it there has been challenges which we have faced mostly due to the corona pandemic. Lessons could be disturbed for us to attend to emergency cases of the virus but without risk allowances which our fellow fulltime workers were receiving which was bad. I do remember we lost (died) one of our friends who contracted the virus in the line of duty with no compensation at all. Another risk which we might we can say is one of the setbacks is that we risk finishing the study and unemployed instantly. It has mostly happened that the Government says it has no funds to employ everybody as such most health personnel resort in either going out of the country or scramble for opportunities in the very small private health sector. So it is bad as well but as for me I believe I might follow the planned route in this line of TF training project. The other problem is the shortage of training equipment at our school which makes most of the lessons to be theory as such we don’t have a good understanding in most lessons. I shall finish by the end of 2023 this journey so I hope all will be well till the end of time despite these challenges I have put forward.
At this time theory part of the study is underway but from next month all the students will be sent to different hospitals for the practical part of the study.So far there is positive progress but the journey continues."
"As the study continues despite that we are moving on with it there has been challenges which we have faced mostly due to the corona pandemic. Lessons could be disturbed for us to attend to emergency cases of the virus but without risk allowances which our fellow fulltime workers were receiving which was bad. I do remember we lost (died) one of our friends who contracted the virus in the line of duty with no compensation at all. Another risk which we might we can say is one of the setbacks is that we risk finishing the study and unemployed instantly. It has mostly happened that the Government says it has no funds to employ everybody as such most health personnel resort in either going out of the country or scramble for opportunities in the very small private health sector. So it is bad as well but as for me I believe I might follow the planned route in this line of TF training project. The other problem is the shortage of training equipment at our school which makes most of the lessons to be theory as such we don’t have a good understanding in most lessons. I shall finish by the end of 2023 this journey so I hope all will be well till the end of time despite these challenges I have put forward.
At this time theory part of the study is underway but from next month all the students will be sent to different hospitals for the practical part of the study.So far there is positive progress but the journey continues."

Edward links) tijdens bijeenkomst met commissie en andere talenten
November 2022:
At the moment we can say that Edward is in the right track and doing very well so all we need to do is to give him time to finish his study in 2023. He suggests to practice on his own when he finishes but we have made it a point to him that thats a plan upon completion of his study to be presented on the final evaluation. Edward writes:
"At the moment my study program is still continuing till next year by the end of that year. It has been an interesting journey and I have learnt a lot and still I will continue. Though it can be said that it has been a smooth journey but still there were ups and downs firstly starting with the time of Corona virus, we lost a colleague with no compensation so this could be classified as one of the many challenges our profession is facing. Secondly shortage of learning equipment’s and chemicals which resulted in most lessons being done theoretically and just to add up there much fears among us learners of being unemployed by the government after our study despite having private hospitals which can employ sometimes but them also are just a few of them for example in my locality. I am a bit lucky with my attachment with Ndirande Medical Centre which when attached with them I will be able also to contribute to my community. Since the journey continues we are yet to see how the final part which is next year ends up but so far so good."
At the moment we can say that Edward is in the right track and doing very well so all we need to do is to give him time to finish his study in 2023. He suggests to practice on his own when he finishes but we have made it a point to him that thats a plan upon completion of his study to be presented on the final evaluation. Edward writes:
"At the moment my study program is still continuing till next year by the end of that year. It has been an interesting journey and I have learnt a lot and still I will continue. Though it can be said that it has been a smooth journey but still there were ups and downs firstly starting with the time of Corona virus, we lost a colleague with no compensation so this could be classified as one of the many challenges our profession is facing. Secondly shortage of learning equipment’s and chemicals which resulted in most lessons being done theoretically and just to add up there much fears among us learners of being unemployed by the government after our study despite having private hospitals which can employ sometimes but them also are just a few of them for example in my locality. I am a bit lucky with my attachment with Ndirande Medical Centre which when attached with them I will be able also to contribute to my community. Since the journey continues we are yet to see how the final part which is next year ends up but so far so good."
Maart 2024:
Edward is currently doing practical apprentice ship with Ndirande medical clinic. Upon finishing in June he stands to be permanently employed with the facility.
Edward is currently doing practical apprentice ship with Ndirande medical clinic. Upon finishing in June he stands to be permanently employed with the facility.