Talent en ambitie: Verpleegkundige worden!

Geboortejaar: 2005

Ondersteuning: 4930 euro.

Voor: Kosten opleiding Bsc Nursing op de Kenyatta University, Nairobi Kenia  


Status: Gestart in augustus 2024

Financiering: particuliere donaties.

Uit de aanvraag (augustus 2024):

" My name is Sandra and I am 19 years old. I am the third born in a family of 5. Both my parents are jobless and we have had a difficult upbringing, because of lack of food, money and presence of sickness of both my parents. We are lucky though because all my brothers and sisters are very good academically and that enabled us to get help from well-wishers. In primary school I could stay out of school even a year due to lack of fees. If it wasn’t for my sponsor from Nuenen, the Netherlands, I wouldn’t have finished my high school studies, because of fee problems. Courtesy to them I managed to study without any problems and passed with very good grades. I believe that soon our family situation will change for better if we all study and later get good paying jobs that will help us sustain our parents. " 


"Its my dream to study as a nursing student and finally become a nurse. I cherish care and appreciate humanity, extending a helping hand to the sick professionally will serve me a lot of satisfaction. With studying, I enjoy classes a lot, learning new things, which has always helped me achieve excellent grades. I still would use my brilliant mind to achieve successes while studying nursing . My passion to help sick people has always been cultivated while I watch sick people in need of help and I can't help them. My sister had an accident a while ago ,and I couldn't help during her recovery period ,I would love to be able to help." 

September 2024
Sandra is goed gestart op de Kenyatta university. Ze is onder de indruk hoe groot het allemaal is en dat je in de bibliotheek alle boeken kunt lenen die je wilt. Ze is ontzettend enthousiast. Het gezin waar zij opgepast heeft, heeft voor haar kleding gekocht, waardoor ze er meteen echt als student uitziet. Ze is met haar koffer die ze op de middelbare school gewonnen heeft als beste student van haar jaar naar Nairobi gereisd met haar moeder en zus. De statiegeld actie bij Jumbo, Albert Heijn en Albert Heijn Jan Linders in Nuenen was een groot succes, tot nu toe is meer dan 2200 euro binnengekomen van statiegeld en via de QR Code. We zijn iedereen die bijgedragen heeft zeer dankbaar.