Geboortejaar: 1998
Ondersteuning: 3426 euro.
Voor: Volgen opleiding "Mathematics and chemistry with information technology" aan Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University in Bondo.
Periode: 2018-2022
Status: Eindexamen gedaan en wacht op goede uitslag.
Sponsor Matt-Talent

"I was brought up in Moi’s Bridge where I have my family members. I have 2 sisters and a step brother. My Mother passed on in 2007 when we were still young and since then my father has been struggling alone to bring us up and cater for our needs. My father has no job, so he does minor work for people to raise our fees and get some food for us. He is very hard working. My elder sister didn’t continue with education, because she took some role as our mother to assist my father who had to look for a job every day. It was so difficult to cope up with life but through Gods Grace I managed to complete my primary school education and join a secondary school in West Pokot (Alale Girls secondary). Though this school is subsidized because its in a marginalized region, fees was still a problem to raise for my father. Since January when I finished high school I am also struggling to do minor work at peoples home to raise school fees. I am doing this in Eldoret. I wash clothes, utensils and clean houses. My Elder sister is also doing the same. My younger sister is in form 3 and fee is one of our biggest problems. My father’s minor work cannot meet all our expenses. That’s why we have to do something to earn a living. We live in a very small piece of land that’s enough for a homestead. Because we have no assets and we have poor extended family who does not own much the bank can’t give me a loan to help finance a part of my fees. Someone has to stand quadrant in." "
I want to become a good science lecturer at University level who is going to help many students and change the lives of many who have problems like me."

Lydia met vader en stiefmoeder en stiefbroertje.
"Dear Talent Foundation, First of all I thank God for the protection and guidance in the whole semester. I thank the Talent Foundation, and my sponsor MATT Talent for all the efforts they do by paying my school fees which makes it possible for me to do the study I wanted to pursue. Thanks for this great support. The semester has been good, in fact that I never faced any big challenge. This time I only did 9 units and 4 common units. Two of these units were somehow challenging due to the late lectures, The lecturers were on strike for beter pay and it was a Nationwide action. Due to this we had to work extra hard to cover these units in a short time. Despite these challenges I managed to do all of the well. I did 3 units in Mathematics ( linear algebra,Probability and calculus 1) In chemistry I did 2 units namely:Analytical and organic chemistry. The common units were : History of education,Environmental education,Spreadsheer/ database and desktop publishing.
"I did last semester exams of my first academic year in july. We broke for long holidays from july 2019 till 2nd September 2019. I greatly enjoy having you as part of my life. I look forward to starting my second year in September. Be blessed always.
Lydia heeft het eerste semester van het tweede jaar succesvol afgerond. Haar semester bevatte de volgende onderwerpen: Linear algebra 2, Calculus 2 en probability 1, Physical Chemistry and inorganic chemistry, Philosophy of education and general methods of teaching, Web design and system development.
Ze had vakantie van 20 december tot 5 januari. Zij was aanwezig tijdens de uitreiking van de Peter van Tilburg award aan Shadrack.
Vanaf 13 maart zijn er gevallen van corona in Kenia en vanaf 15 maart heeft de regering besloten de scholen en opleidingen te sluiten. Lydia is thuis sinds maart. Zij was wel klaar met haar eerste semester van haar tweede jaar. Nu wacht zij voor verdere informatie van de campus. Vierdejaars kregen nu voorrang om online lessen te volgen en examen te doen. Als dit successvol verloopt zal de rest van de studenten volgen dus ook lydia’s klas.
Lydia deed online lessen in oktober en daarna examen om het tweede jaar af te sluiten. Zij wacht nu op de uitslag. De universiteit deed de fysieke lessen afwisselend voor groepen studenten om congestie te reduceren. Sinds januari zijn de lessen weer gewoon op school hervat. Een hele opluchting. Lydia was erg blij toen haar sponsors contact met haar zochten via Talent Foundation en foto’s van Matt’s talent stuurde. Omdat studenten geen telefoon abonnementen hebben, gebruiken ze vaak prepaid bundles om af en toe online te zijn om hun mails en berichten te checken. Tijdens corona hebben wij sommige studenten maandelijks gesteund om bundels te kunnen kopen om lessen te kunnen volgen. Ook hebben wij gezorgd dat Lydia 10 euro heeft om bundels te kunnen kopen om eenmalig online video te bellen met haar sponsor Matt’s Talent binnenkort. De bundels problematiek en internettoegang is een van de grote uitdagingen van onze studenten.
Hieronder het bericht van Lydia. Alles gaat goed bij haar. Binnenkort gaat zij op teaching practice echt een paar maanden voor de klas staan om zelfstandig onderwijs te geven aan middelbare scholieren. Zij moet nog een plek krijgen om dit te doen.
Message from Lydia on 25 july 2021
Hello, I'm Lydia, I am taking Bachelor of education science in Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University. I'm currently in 3.2 that is in third year second semester. I'm really doing fine and it's all because of you Talent Foundation and my sponsors of Matt Talent. I Feel much appreciated by your support. The whole of last semester we have been learning online but we went back for physical examination, which we are still waiting for the results that are to be out by the end of this semester. Currently, we are continuing with the second semester of which the learning is blended, that is for theory lessons we are doing it online and practical lessons are done physically.
After this semester, we are going for Teaching Practice that is from 11th October to December 22nd 2021, and after these, I'll be remaining with a year to finish with the program. To the Talent Foundation, I'm so glad that you existed for someone like me and to the sponsors you are a blessing to us. Without you I would be at home just as many other youths, whose parents couldn’t afford to educate them. I was lucky to get this chance. What I can assure you is that your efforts are never in vain. May the good Lord bless you abundantly.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Lydia ging voor teaching practice voor 3 maanden op st James Nasewa Secondary school in west Kenya. Zij vond het heel leerzaam en zij genoot ervan om als docent wiskunde en scheikunde te geven aan brugklassers van st James Nasewa secondary. Zij heeft alle derdejaars examens succesvol afgerond inclusief de stage.

Lydia tussen haar leerlingen
Lydia schreef op 13 dec 2021:
"I am fine and hopefully you too over there. I chose a school in western Kenya for my teaching practice and I got one where I started teaching as per 11 oktober 2021. I am glad to teach these young students and widen my horizon in the teaching field. It’s a mixed secondary school. I teach form one south chemistry and form one north Maths. Its a good experience to be out in the field,teach,meet students and fellow teachers. Very soon we will be breaking for Christmas and I thank God for everything. Thank you all for your goodness, kindness and continuous support. I am always grateful that you always care for me and check on me reqularly. Am too very gratefull for my sponsors who make it possible that I carry on with my study which is going very well. We are resuming studies on 10 th of January 2022 and finish on 11 th jully 2022."
I wish you all Merry Christmas and a blessed 2022. I really wish you well.
Yours sincerely
Lydia heeft haar eindexamen gedaan en wacht op de goede uitslag.

Lydia bij de universiteit

Bij de uitreiking van de PvT Award aan Shadrack

Februari 2023
Lydia is Lydia met het predicaat “First Class Honours” als een van de 4 beste studenten van haar jaargang afgestudeerd als Batchelor of Science Education. Hieronder een foto van Lydia (2e van rechts) samen met deze toppers en een van hun lecturers (in rood). Lydia kan nu op zoek naar een aanstelling in het onderwijs en heeft daarvoor met dit resultaat maximaal goede kansen. Allemaal mogelijk gemaakt door de financiële en morele ondersteuning van de commissie en sponsor Matt-Talent om het bij Lydia aanwezige talent, ambitie en doorzettingsvermogen te vertalen naar perspectief op een betere toekomst voor haarzelf en haar omgeving. We zijn plaatsvervangend trots op dit superresultaat!

Lydia (2e van rechts) met de 3 andere "First Class Honours" afgestudeerden en een van de lecturers in het midden.