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Talent foundation op Fair Trade & Global Goals markt in Helmond
09/10/2023Magdaline in Kenia heeft een Talent voor taal en interesse in andere culturen! Op de middelbare school had ze al bijzonder goed Frans geleerd. Met hulp van een particuliere donateur volgt ze nu een gecombineerde universitaire opleiding Swahili en aardrijkskunde om haar mogelijkheden voor de toekomst verder te verbeteren.
Op haar persoonlijke pagina schreef ze al eens "I enjoy writing and reciting poems about fairness to all human life"! Onlangs schreef ze met dit talent en interesse onderstaand gedicht waarin ze uitdrukt wat de ondersteuning van de Talent foundation voor haar en talenten in andere landen heeft betekend.
Survive !
Owning survive, my reachable possession!
And about to let go,
Let go of hope to hope,
Hope for; say change, say life, say a talent skill!
A daily despair,
That I remain unskilled,
For dictated centuries,
A marshall by the reality,
Chances so unreachable!
So was mama sweetly frank,
She should find a meal!
My conscience sad,
Life 'en route' to sadder days!
Survive again, how?
The village does proclaim me poor,
Unworthy to be heard,
My solitary positivity weakened!
But today is here!
The memories of a morning,
Still within me,
A knock on my door,
'I am from Talent Foundation'
The reach out news given,
Still unbelievable!
The feeling still, a disbelief!
Massive gratefulness,
For this noble opportunity,
To pursue my career and talent!
The clock ticks,sun rises up high in the sky,
evening creeps in !
Efforts in a blooming talent,
Living the magical embrace!
Anonymous volunteers,they are!
Loved and supported, I trust my future !
Like flowers,you made me blossom!
Yes Talent Foundation!
You illuminated rays of hopes,
Perfect and craved,by enfeebled talents!
Today has a meaning,
Life is meaningful!
Indonesia and Malawi talents couldn't have made it without you,
Inspired Nepal and Nicaragua,
Not forgetting the talented in Argentina!
The vision of excellence,
Is what you defined!
Eternally grateful, Thailand talents proclaim!
Much obliged, are,of Guatemala!
Truly honored, are Kenyan individuals!
For getting identified,
Efforts amazingly recognised,
Huge reliefs sighed!
Moulded to achieve!
Long live TF